The box tree caterpillar, an unwelcome newcomer to British gardens, has swiftly become a widespread menace, particularly in England and surrounding areas. Its voracious appetite can completely defoliate box plants, leaving gardeners grappling with the challenge of managing and controlling this invasive pest. In this blog post, we'll explore effective strategies to combat the box tree caterpillar in an ongoing strategy to protect and control your beautiful Buxus.
Included in this Blog post is our honest opinion from a gardeners perspective on whether it is possible to manage this tricky pest!
Understanding the Box Tree Caterpillar
Before delving into management strategies, it's crucial to accurately identify the box tree caterpillar. Look out for the following characteristics:

Colour: Initially green with black heads, turning bright green with a white stripe as they mature.
Life Stages: Eggs laid on the underside of leaves hatch into larvae, which then go through several instars before pupating into adult moths.
Damage: Severe defoliation, webbing around affected areas, and the presence of dark green or black frass (caterpillar droppings).
We have found quite often that Box owners miss the very early signs of box tree caterpillar which in our experience starts as a very fine webbing that looks like candy floss that can often be misinterpreted for a fine spiders web. We also see small patches of brown foliage or defoliation occurring in one small area that if spotted early on are your tel tale signs you have this problem.
Management and Control Strategies
Early Detection:
Early detection is key to effective control. Regularly inspect your box plants, particularly in spring and early summer, for signs of caterpillar presence. Look for webbing, chewed leaves, and caterpillars of various sizes.
Manual Removal:
For small infestations, physically removing caterpillars by hand can be a simple yet effective method. Check the undersides of leaves, where the eggs are often laid, and dispose of any caterpillars in a sealed bag.
Biological Control:
Encourage natural predators such as birds, parasitic wasps, and predatory beetles that feed on box tree caterpillars. Introducing these beneficial insects to your garden can help maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) Treatment:
Bt is a biological pesticide that specifically targets caterpillars. When applied to box plants, it infects the caterpillars' digestive system, causing them to stop feeding and eventually perish. Follow product instructions for safe and effective application.
Neem Oil:
Neem oil, derived from the neem tree, is known for its insecticidal properties. Applying neem oil to your box plants can disrupt the life cycle of box tree caterpillars and act as a deterrent.
Insecticidal Sprays:
Insecticidal sprays containing pyrethroids or spinosad can be effective in controlling box tree caterpillars. Ensure you follow the recommended dosage and application guidelines, considering the impact on non-target insects.
Pheromone traps can be used to monitor adult moth activity and reduce the likelihood of caterpillar infestations. Placing these traps strategically around your garden can help disrupt the mating cycle.
Prevention Measures
Vigilant Monitoring:
Continue monitoring your box plants even after an infestation has been controlled. Early detection of re-infestation allows for prompt action.
Regular Pruning:
Prune your box plants regularly to remove eggs and small larvae. Dispose of pruned material away from the garden to prevent the caterpillars from re-infesting.
Plant Diversity:
Consider diversifying your garden with a variety of plants. This not only enhances the overall health of your garden but also makes it less appealing for pests to establish large populations.

Combatting the box tree caterpillar requires a multi-faceted approach, combining early detection, manual intervention, biological controls, and targeted pesticide applications. By adopting these strategies and maintaining vigilance, you can protect your box plants and preserve the beauty of your garden in the face of this invasive pest. Stay proactive though as these pests do not ever go away for good and therefore this has to become a consistent management plan not a one hit wonder!
Unfortunately in our experience this will need to become an ongoing regular maintenance job if you wish to keep your Box plant healthy and pest free.