Box blight can pose a significant threat to your garden's prized box plants. To successfully combat this fungal disease, a well-coordinated combination of strategies is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore up-to-date and practical approaches to manage box blight outbreaks, focusing on hygiene, infection control, recovery promotion, and ongoing monitoring.
And in our other blog post we talk about alternative choices to Buxus sempervirens because being honest we have removed large amounts of Buxus in 2023 simply because the management and control of box blight can be extremely Labour intensive and costly, and we would not recommend planting this plant now as part of any new garden design or planting schemes.
However, we appreciate that the wonderful Box is an integral part of many beautiful garden schemes and topiary hedging all over the country, and therefore management and control of this tricky pest is possible if you devote the time, money and energy to the fight against box blight.
Step 1: Review Garden Hygiene
Maintaining good garden hygiene is crucial for managing box blight outbreaks. Here are some key practices:
Dispose of Infected Material: Bag up and dispose of infected material to prevent the spread of debris in the garden. Avoid composting.
Clean Tools and Clothing: Regularly clean pruning tools and clothing with a garden disinfectant or dilute bleach solution after working in infected areas.
Fungicide Application: Apply a fungicide before cutting back infected plants to reduce the risk of spore development and spread during and after pruning.
Quarantine New Plants: Quarantine new plants to prevent introducing the disease into your garden.
Step 2: Control the Infection
Understanding the nature of the box blight fungi (Calonectria pseudonaviculata and C. henricotiae) is crucial for effective management:
Cutting Back or Cutting Out: Remove infected areas, cutting out more than initially seems necessary. Prioritize plantings and choose from four options based on the severity of the infection.
- Option 1: Remove minor or isolated infections.
- Option 2: Reduce height by about half.
- Option 3: Cut back to stumps.
- Option 4: Remove affected plants.
2. Remove Fallen Leaves and Infested Soil: Clear away debris, remove fallen leaves, and replace soil to eliminate infected leaf fragments.
Step 3: Promote Recovery
Promoting the recovery of your box plants is vital for long-term success:
1. Environmental Considerations: Evaluate the garden's design and create an open environment to reduce the risk of infection.
2. Plant Nutrition: Apply a suitable fertilizer in spring or summer to aid recovery, avoiding excessive nitrogen to prevent lush growth.
3. Mulching: Apply a mulch to reduce rain splash and cover any remaining infected leaves.
4. Fungicides: Use fungicides as part of an integrated approach, applying them strategically before and after cutting to manage box blight effectively.
Step 4: Monitor for New Infections